I am excited about an article by Sunny Jane Morton about Photo Preservation and an article about scanning photos by rick Crume. I have a whole bunch of Peterson photos to scan. I have been waiting to do the scanning until I bought a flip pal scanner but that plan didn't work out. So I think with the information by Rick I will be able to scan them well enough into my printer. I want a way to easily access this information again so I decided to take notes from the articles and record them here for my future reference.
Photo Intervention and Preservation:
- Storage
- wear white cotton gloves when handling photos
- Do not store in acidic paper environments such as cardboard boxes, book pages, with newspaper clippings or other papers, photo frames, magnetic albums, remove adhesive tape from photos
- Resource - Sally Jacobs, the Practical Archivist -http://practicalarchivist.com/
- sales a photo rescue kit for $25
- Offers a class for $25
- Cull, label and organize
- Select those to save - do not save everything - save the most meaningful
- Save old and rare photos
- Label the photos
- Use a extra soft #1 pencil to label the back with names, dates, locations and story behind the photo
- Make a spreadsheet and give each photo a number. Use the same number if you scan and digitize the photo
- On spreadsheet include columns for date taken, provenance (chain of ownership), names of individuals pictured, location and story behind the picture
- Organize the photos
- Consider organizing chronologically. If date is unknown guess the decade
- To guess the decade go to identification tips by Maureen A. Taylor's Photo Detective blog at familytreemagazine.com/blog
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