Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preserving Photographs Part 1

I just received my newest Family Tree magazine.  (January/February 2013)
I am excited about an article by Sunny Jane Morton about Photo Preservation and an article about scanning photos by rick Crume.  I have a whole bunch of Peterson photos to scan.  I have been waiting to do the scanning until I bought a flip pal scanner but that plan didn't work out.  So I think with the information by Rick I will be able to scan them well enough into my printer.  I want a way to easily access this information again so I decided to take notes from the articles and record them here for my future reference.

Photo Intervention and Preservation:
  1. Storage
    1. wear white cotton gloves when handling photos
    2. Do not store in acidic paper environments such as cardboard boxes, book pages, with newspaper clippings or other papers, photo frames, magnetic albums, remove adhesive tape from photos
    3. Resource - Sally Jacobs, the Practical Archivist -
      1. sales a photo rescue kit for $25 
      2. Offers a class for $25
  2. Cull, label and organize
    1. Select those to save - do not save everything - save the most meaningful
    2. Save old and rare photos
    3. Label the photos
      1. Use a extra soft #1 pencil to label the back with names, dates, locations and story behind the photo
    4. Make a spreadsheet and give each photo a number.  Use the same number if you scan and digitize the photo
      1. On spreadsheet include columns for date taken, provenance (chain of ownership), names of individuals pictured, location and story behind the picture
    5. Organize the photos
      1. Consider organizing chronologically.  If date is unknown guess the decade
        1. To guess the decade go to identification tips by Maureen A. Taylor's Photo Detective blog at

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